Nowadays it seems quite easy to become rich by authoring and distributing eBooks online. Want to know why some authors are doing just great as others? There are a few key blunders that must be avoided by budding eBook writers at any cost:
1. Not targeted to any specific audience: It is the prerogative of eBook authors to clearly classify, recognize and visualize eBook target audience in order to meet their expectations and be successful. Track all online sources to generate prospective eBook buyers and meet their specific interests.
2. High Price: Selling eBooks is a profitable business proposition. However, the high price of eBooks may demotivate readers. If you automate the entire eBook publishing process right from publication to payment processing, customer relationship management (CRM), technical support, and shipment you can definitely reduce your eBook retail pricing. You can also hire outsourced teams to handle this process.
3. Lack of interesting title for the eBook: It is necessary to invest in an intriguing title that smartly conveys the benefits of owning your book to the reader. For example: An unimpressive title for an eBook: “Online Blog Promotion for Dummies.” An effective title for the identical eBook: “100 Strategies to Promote Your Blog in 3 Weeks – No Prior Knowledge Required.”
4. Packed with too much generic information: It is important for an author to focus on his/her niche. Most eBook content developers give out too much information without being specific. As a result, they confuse the readers and impart only half the knowledge with any valuable input. This is an atrocious mistake to be strictly avoided, especially for how-to-do e-series.
5. Lack of proactive online eBook marketing efforts: Promoting your e-book is very important if you are looking to do brisk business through it. After publishing your eBook it is important to market it to anyone who wants to be your affiliate such as websites, ezine publishers, etc. This ought to be a continuous process. To know more visit – Best tips to increase the ebook sales.
6. Failure to differentiate from the competition: When deciding on a topic for eBook, in spite of knowing about other general eBooks on the same subject, try to have your own unique way of writing on the topic which may become your USP (unique selling proposition) and stand out amongst your competitors. Your readers must be able to identify you with your unique content.
7. Authors write down and publish books that are irrelevant and detached from the readers.
The biggest mistake that most eBook authors make is to write on such topics that are already there in the public domain due to the abundance of free knowledge available on the internet which can be downloaded free of cost. It is necessary to spend some time doing research on whether other generic eBooks are being sold online before you get busy for the next months drafting your eBook manuscript.
So these are the seven biggest blunders to stay away from when publishing eBooks. Always remember, there are plenty of opportunities to flourish as an eBook author but you have to be smart enough to go the distance.